STOP faking it!

We all know the old saying. Fake it till you make it. And in some of the industries that I’m in, offices are RIFE with people doing just that. Pretending they know what they don’t. Getting in early every day for no reason and with no direction. A crying waste of energy. I mean I…

My Daily Tips on Focus and Goals

To be an entrepreneur is to become an expert. An expert in failure. An expert in continual development. An expert at resilience. But expertise doesn’t just happen, it takes practice, refinement and process. After all, the saying goes that it’s not until you hit 10,000 hours of practice until you become an expert. Just like…

Wouldn’t it be great.. The legendary dream killer..

”Wouldn’t it be great if we all had a job we loved and not just a job we had to do to pay bills, regardless of pay. Sad fact of the situation is many of us won’t ever get to that point in our lives, we have to put up with what we do and…

My Tips to an ice cold focus in your new business

So you’ve taken the step to get started in the world of business and it’s likely your head and heart are an absolute explosiaon of mixed thoughts and emotions. So how do we reign in the whispers to ensure that procrastination doesn’t overrule focus? There are five actions that we take to squeeze the last…

The Entrepreneur’s Wife

The saying goes “behind every great man is a great woman”. The notion being that greatness takes a level of support and determination in itself. Relationship advice often doesn’t take the shape of a couple delving into the world of entrepreneurship. I think there is one thing that EVERYONE needs to fully embrace after they…

Entrepreneurship isn’t just for entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship isn’t just for entrepreneurs I always knew, felt that a life of entrepreneurship was the only one that fit me. The only time I felt a spark, was in breaking out of what I found mundane. Helping people. Getting creative. Some will get it, some won’t. BUT. There were days where I wanted to…

Branding vs Marketing? What’s more important?

A question popped up again today that aligns with something that’s been on my mind lately. It’s also popped up 5 other times in the last week – everyone I know must read the same blogs! What is more important – Branding or Marketing? ​ The truth is – marketing and branding are synonomous. Symbiotic….

Fear vs Logic, the key to success

Resilience is a simple word with powerful meaning. On the surface it might simply seem like the ability to deal with a constant stream of stress. But I define it a little differently. I see resilience as the ability to maintain logic over emotion. An important distinction in my humble opinion, because it’s not just about ‘surviving’ it’s about being able to thrive.

How to succeed? Rome wasn’t built in likes!

It’s been one of those years that tests our resolve and determination. Opportunities have come embedded within hard times for many and a prevelant question that keeps popping up is how to succeed ? But it’s also been one of those times that has tested a concept that was taught to me some time ago…